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Plants to use to repel mosquitoes

Writer's picture: Garden SolutionsGarden Solutions

Summer is in full swing, and while we are all enjoying the warmer, longer days, the one thing no one is happily welcoming back is the mosquito.

A pest in every sense of the word, mosquitoes are not only harmful but they are also immensely annoying, especially when you are trying to relax in the evening but the high pitched buzzing of a mossie is keeping you up.

While you could spend a small fortune on store bought insect repellents, which often have a pretty unpleasant smell and perhaps even harmful side effects, you could rather put the money into a budget for plants and plant extracts that naturally repel insects.

Plants that keep insects like mosquitoes away do so with their natural fragrance, which luckily for us, is usually quite pleasing and in some cases even calming. But one thing that you need to know, before you fill your garden with any of the flowers you’ll be reading about while doing your research, is that plants alone might not be enough.

To get the best protection against mosquitoes, you should consider a 3 part approach which includes planting these plants close to doors and windows, burning an oil that is plant based, and having at least some sort of shop bought repellent (if the mosquito invasion is really serious).

Keep mosquitoes away with these plants

There are numerous plants out there that work well as natural repellents. And the great thing is that they are really affordable and they also look attractive, which means you can easily plant them all around your garden without breaking your budget or ruining the aesthetic.

Some plants grow best in pots while others will do well in a garden bed. Most require minimal maintenance and the occasional splash of water, so once planted you won’t have to worry too much about them.

  1. Citronella

To kick of the list, we could hardly start with anything else. Citronella has a formidable reputation for keeping mosquitoes away, because the plant really delivers. Most natural insect repellents, such as candles and oils for burning, are made using citronella, so if you add this plant to your garden, you know it will do the job.

Citronella needs full or at least partial sun in order to flourish and the soil you place it in needs to be able to drain well. The plant does tend to grow quite large, so be prepared to have plenty of space for it.

Citronella can be applied to the skin, which is an extra bonus.

  1. Garlic

For some, the smell of garlic is most unpleasant but you don’t have to apply garlic to your skin or burn it in order to benefit from its repellent properties. Mosquitoes are not at all fond of garlic, and neither are aphids and flies, making it a wonderful addition to your veggie garden.

To grow garlic you don’t need loads of space, but you do need to give it plenty of sunlight and you’ll need to have soil that can easily drain.

  1. Lavender

Although lavender is best known for its soothing aromatherapy qualities, with the scent well known for its ability to calm stressed and tired minds, this plant is also a great option for keeping mosquitoes away. Lavender’s soft fragrance makes it the perfect plant to have close to your doors or windows. There are many different types of lavender available, so try to choose the one that will be best suited to the climate where you live.

Overall, when lavender is given the right amount of sunlight and water (it enjoys having quite a bit of both) it will need very little of your attention. Lavender is also safe to use on your skin, and aside from repelling mosquitoes and flies, it can also attract butterflies and bees.

  1. Lemongrass

It works well in a variety of food dishes and it is quite a good looking plant too, but lemongrass has a secret super power that not many people know about; it can repel mosquitoes. Something you need to know about lemongrass though, is that it is not safe for pregnant women or new moms to be around, so give it a skip if this applies to you or a loved one.

Lemongrass is quite easy to keep maintained. It will need loads of sun and it should be grown in well-drained soil, and you can choose whether you want to grow it in a pot or in a garden bed. Again, for maximum effect, if you want to keep the mosquitoes out of your home, then plant it close to doorways and windows.

  1. Marigold

To give your garden a bright burst of colour, while at the same time keep mosquitoes away, growing marigold is a great choice. And they are so easy to grow, that if you aren’t in a hurry, you can grow them from seed, with one packet giving you dozens of plants.

Marigolds produce a gorgeous flower and all they really need is plenty of sun and the occasional dose of water. The flower is also fantastic for keeping away aphids and other insects that cause havoc in vegetable gardens, and since the flowers can be kept small when trimmed, they can fit in neatly just about anywhere you plant them. Marigold adapts quite easily to the space in which it is grown, so they are more than suitable for pots.

The Key Ingredient for Effective Mosquito Control

Citronellal is the most useful natural substance to keep mosquitoes, and flies for that matter, at bay. It is something that is found in many plants, and you can buy citronella oil in most shops. When citronella oil is burned, insects stay well away, hating the smell. But to us, the oil has a rather pleasant smell. Citronella oil is also quite affordable and a big bottle of it can go a really long way.

While many plants have citronellal compounds, making them really good options, if you want the full effect, you should consider having the plant with this property and also burning the oil, especially if you have a real mosquito problem.


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